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Backup & Restore

Waqar Ahmed 7 years ago 0 3 duplicates

If you make a change to for example to a tenancy you may by mistake loose all your data for that tenancy. Most softwares allow you to create a backup and restore.


Customized Check-in and Check-out List

Queency Cabrisos 4 years ago updated by James Batchelor 3 years ago 1

It would be great if we have a way of adding our own checklist of steps we need to do when onboarding a new tenant as well as a checklist for closing out a tenancy


Accounting and tax for the Corporate ownership of properties

Geoffrey Nelson 5 years ago updated by Charlotte Black 1 year ago 7 2 duplicates

It would be great to have the option to allow a portfolio to be owned by a company rather than a sole trader such that it is possible to account for and calculate corporation tax, and to do the quarterly tax returns that 'Making Tax Digital' (MTD) will require. 


White Label the tenant module

Reardon Properties 7 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 4 years ago 1

I think it would be great to white label the tenant module so we can add out own logo and colour scheme. 

The tenants do not need to know we use landlord vision. 

Just like we do not know what system BT or o2 etc use for their management when we log in for billing etc 


multi factor authentication

Steve Lawrence 7 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 3 years ago 4 2 duplicates

It would be great to have the option of an extra layer of security in the form of multi factor authentication when logging onto Landlord Vision, either via text or random number generator app.


Move and/or Copy a property from one portfolio to another

Matthew Baker 4 years ago updated by Thomas Macdonald 2 years ago 9


When I first started using Landlord Vision I didn’t bother watching tutorials or reading faqs. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted something to manage my properties.

You can’t manage properties without property information so I typed in lots of my properties and uploaded images etc..

Then I spotted the Portfolio tab. So I noticed all the properties I had added were added under My Portfolio. I didn’t want that so I created new ones. One for my name only, One for my name and my brother and one for my property Ltd company. Now I just wanted to move the properties I added in to the correct portfolios. Well it seems you cant! You have to delete them all and start again in the right portfolio.

What would happen later on down the line if say for instance I had a portfolio with my brother with 50/50 shares. I also had my own portfolio. Say my brother sells me his share. I have to go in and delete all the property information from his portfolio and add it into my own portfolio. That just does not make sense. Why type the same information in again?


So my request is can you add a ‘move’ and/or copy property feature. If for some reason there are related accounts to a property you can point that out and prevent a move but at least allow a copy.


scan receipt option when entering expense from mobile app

Simon Tilling 4 years ago updated by Hayley Baldwin 3 years ago 5 2 duplicates

I often use the app to upload expenses as I leave the shop (eg B&Q). It would be very helpful to be able to take and attach a scan of the receipt at that point


Compliance checklist for setting up new tenancies

Kevin Smith 6 years ago updated by Damon Green 2 years ago 3

It would be very useful to have a 'Compliance checklist' when setting up new tenancies, to ensure all appropriate information has been provided to the tenants at the outset of the tenancy, this could be done on a traffic light system, i.e. red, amber & green. Green indicating that all appropriate information has been sent to the tenant, and therefore the landlord is in compliance with their legal requirements.


Portfolio Profit & Loss Report with a Column Entry for Each Property

Adil Pastakia 3 years ago updated by David Sanders 1 year ago 3

The Profit and Loss reports are great. One gaping hole is that you cannot compare the P&L performance of your portfolio across your entire portfolio. It would be great if these reports could be summarised so that the results for each property are summarised / or detailed / in a separate column per property with summary totals on the last column.

This would be hugely beneficial to Landlords to assess the performance of the portfolio on a per property basis. To do this with my portfolio of 10 Properties I would need to generate 10 different spreadsheets and then amalgamate them into one spreadsheet which is very time consuming when it could be done by a press of one button via Landlord Vision. This problem becomes even worse for those Landlords with bigger portfolios.



Rule Creation for Bank Reconciliation

GR8 Place Ltd 3 years ago updated by Kal Sohal 8 months ago 5

Like mymoneydashboard and similar they have RULEs so that once the system has been told about a transaction when it see another similar (same reference, same accounts, same value) etc it asks if you want to create a rule to auto-add the entry.

Any plan to create a "Rule" generator ?