
Ability to record white/brown goods - make/model/warranty details

Karen Scott 7 years ago updated by Sally Francis 10 months ago 7

Most appliances come with warranty. We have used this to get things fixed without cost and it would be very helpful to have a place to record these by property. The details I feel would be useful are;

  • Make / model/ description
  • Warranty details - duration, supplier, date when warranty runs out
  • Have the option to print these details on the tenant information sheet
  • Ability to attach operating instructions and other associated documents
  • Hold this in the property section for each house (other people may want by room but we don't do multi tenancy)

I've just tried out the white/brown goods capability and it's great - gives me everything I need and is easy to use. Many thanks for being so responsive.

best regards, Karen

Satisfaction mark by Karen Scott 5 years ago

Also useful to be able to record purchase price paid and place/date of purchase. 

Any update on this?



This is on our list of things to do and we will be getting round to it soon.  I'll update via this forum once it is live

Kind regards




The White/Brown Goods tab is now available in each property in Property Manager. Use it to record what items you have in your property, including rooms if appropriate.  You can store all the details, including the warranty information and set up early warnings so that the system can notify you of the upcoming expiry in the Portfolio Dashboard, the email notifications and the calendar, in the same way as the safety certificates

Kind regards


This is great, but I would also like to be able to see all the white/brown goods for all my properties in one place - the only place I can see them all together is by viewing the Expired Warranties report - but this is only any use after the warranty has expired