Entering Tenancies that have Already Started

Chances are you probably have some tenancies that started a number of years ago and now you want to add them to Landlord Vision, but you don't want to record all those years' worth of payments.  Here's how to do it when creating or editing your tenancy.

On the Main Tenancy Details page of the wizard, enter the relevant information, including the date the tenancy originally started.  Leave the Run on as Periodic after End Date option enabled so that the tenancy keeps producing invoices. 

On the Tenants page tick the Opening Balance tick box and set the date you want to start tracking rents from, for example the first payment of the current tax year.  Now the Payment Schedule will be set to start from the more recent date rather than the beginning of the tenancy.

In the below example, the tenancy started on 01/04/2013, but we're not going to track payments until 01/04/2019.

Image 243

If you do want to record all of the historical data, you can use the Bulk Payment options found here:

  • Tenant Manager > Payment Schedule > Bulk Payment
  • Tenant Manager > Invoices > Bulk Payment
  • Tenant Manager > Payments > Add Payment

If your tenant is in arrears at this point you can set an opening balance.  Please see this guide for more information.