Managing credit cards
If you use credit cards for some of your payments, you can keep track of these in Landlord Vision as well as your bank and cash payments.
Firstly create a Credit Card account in Account Manager > Bank Accounts > Add Credit Card and fill in any other details you wish to include
Use the Transfer Money button to record a payment from the bank account to pay off the balance on the card
Now you have two methods for recording payments, either create them yourself or use the Reconcilation option
To record the payments yourself, please see this article
Record the payment as being from the Credit Card rather than the Bank Account, or simply pay it off using the Credit Card Statement but upload it to the card rather than the bank account
Alternatively, create the Expense from the Reconcile screen. Once the card statement has been imported, click on Create Expense. The Add Expense screen appears, but with some of the detail already filled in. Complete the rest of the fields and press Save. The Expense has been recorded and also paid off with the bank statement entry
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