Your comments

Hi Roy

Thanks for getting back to me. This was a feature request - to be able to upload payments via CSV. I am aware of the Change Loan button. However if you have a mortgage where payments are irregular - e.g tracking LIBOR  which is different every month- it means every payment in is irregular. To go about using the Change Loan button to enter every month's payment and rate change is painfully slow. 

The requested feature is to allow easier upload of rate/payment data in one go - e.g via spreadsheet or a single form.

Many thanks


Is there any way of quickly entering variable payments?  entering a payment for each month and it taking 10-20 seconds to save means this takes a very long time to enter manually.  would have been better to be able to enter all values quickly in the overview screen of all payment schedules, or be able to upload a spreadsheet of all payments