
Lock prior accounting periods

Tracey Hawkins 4 years ago updated by Kailash Daswani 3 years ago 3 1 duplicate

Lock prior accounting period so income, expenses or other entries cannot be entered to these periods by mistake.  Also, a notification alerting when posting more than 3 or 6 months ahead would be useful to avoid posting to future period in error.

If this software is promoted as property accounting yet it lacks an essential accounting feature to ensure data integrity.

Duplicates 1

Most definitely. I think a facility to be able to unlock them also, is necessary. There is nothing more frustrating than doing a monthly set of accounts and then find it has changed and therefore you have to spend time to discover where it has changed and why.

Yes this is critical. It takes a long time to make sure that the chart of accounts tallies with the accountants sets of accounts for a year end, but then it is so easy to change things without realising it making future reconciliation really difficult and time consuming.

I agree, this feature I asked for some years back, and its vital as one should be able to lock prior accounting periods.  Make a mistake, and you are looking for a needle in a haystack!