Rent Book

Stephanie Bell 2 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 2 years ago 1

We run a HMO and collect rent weekly.  I have recently been advised that where rent is collected weekly we are legally obliged to provide the tenant with a Rent Book.  The Rent Book must contain certain elements as defined here:https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1985/70/crossheading/provision-of-rent-books.

Our tenants use the Tenant Module to keep them informed but I note that that Landlord/Tenant address is not shown on any of the pages.  Would it be possible to add the legal minimums to make it serve as an online Rent Book"?

Hello Stephanie

Thank you for your request

These two sections should already be available.  The Landlord Address can be found on the Contact Landlord page of the Tenant Module.  This is picked up from Contacts > Landlord Contacts > your contact.  The Tenant Address can be found on the Property Details page which comes from the Address section within the property.

Kind regards
