Assigning Scanned Receipts
Before you can assign expense receipts, firstly you must upload them. Please see this article on uploading receipts.
Assigning Expense Items
Once you have uploaded your expense receipts, go to Property Manager > Scanned Receipts and the software will show you the list of images and what each receipt has been interpreted as. The software will pull out the Supplier name, date, amount and then a list of the items on that receipt. Please note that this is an automated process and there may be some errors depending on the quality of the image, however you can change these to make them correct if necessary.
If you wish to import the receipts, click on the Create Expense from Receipt button where you will be met with the Add Expense screen, with much of the information already filled in.
Enter the Supplier. If this is a new supplier, the software can create the contact for you using the details on the receipt.
At the bottom of the page is the list of all of the receipt items. Check through these and make sure they are correct, then assign them to an expense Item, and a Property, or set them to be Portfolio Cost if the line item does not pertain to any particular property. You can add, remove and edit the items as much as you like to make them correct. Once the expense is correct (even if it is different to what the receipt actually says, or what Landlord Vision thinks it is), press Save to enter the completed expense. Don't forget you can add the payment details before you save it, or you can wait until you perform the bank reconciliation and record the payment that way.
If a discount has been applied and this shows on the receipt, the system will read this as £0.00 as the software we use doesn't currently understand negative amounts. In this situation, you can simply add a negative number into the Price field. For example, if the discount was £6, set the value to be "-6"
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