Your comments

Brilliant - from the comments I think everyone else enjoys tax returns just as much as me, so this will make you very popular!!!

thanks, Karen


Having just read your guide to Digital Tax that you published (really useful) I'm doubly keen to get this feature so that income tax reports can be generated for each owner rather than for the full portfolio. In our case we have 8 houses - 6 in joint names and one owned by my husband and one by me. If only I'd thought though the implications for tax calculations at the time!

Currently I just adjust with a spreadsheet annually but with Digital Tax requiring quarterly submissions then this becomes really important.

Any idea on dates?

thanks, Karen


I'd like to extend this idea to cover other information held at the Portfolio level. For me this is Insurance and government registrations (Data Protection and Scotland Landlord Registration) so I can see current status and get timely reminder on renewals.

thanks, Karen