Your comments

Hi Roy

Thanks for the quick response. For me personally with over 100 tenants in place and half of those are HMO's it would be so much easier for me to keep on top of communication all in one platform. For example the message template function for me with the HMO tenants is fab, but it would be much better to see there responses within that area too. I also agree that it would be beneficial to be able to delete messages, as I already have so many messages across our profiles. I'm assuming these massages will be using up storage space too??

Thanks Again Roy


I was just coming on here to suggest this, also I'm not sure if I'm missing something or have something set up incorrectly but when I email a tenant via the mail merger LLV system the tenant will reply and it comes to my personal email account but there is no trace of it within LLV?

I'm hoping I'm doing something wrong, if not then its a fundamental fault as it still means I'm working off two platforms to mange tenants. Is there any way to see the tenants responses in LLV (without me having to save and upload as its too time consuming). 

Kind Regards


Really disappointed with the Mobile Version as 3/4's of the information on LLV isn't available on the Mobile App!

This really needs looking at as I could resolve issues when out and about, instead of waiting until I'm on a PC....

Has anyone had any issues sending receipts from an i-phone at all? We are sending them through via the personal email address that is created but not getting them?

I agree Matthew, I have also asked for the same facility! 

When a tenant makes an over payment and the difference is shown in the Un-allocated section, how do you then move that to make it an allocate payment, for example they make a smaller payment the following month as they ant to use the over payment from the previous month???