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Ability to see more than one report on screen at the same time

Ms S. Lloyd-Packer 2 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 2 years ago 1

I find it frustrating not to be able to see for example, the rental income reports and the P&L report at the same time. Opening one neccessitates closing the other. The only way round this I've found is to have to download the reports.


Add documents to mortgages

Joel Tobias 2 years ago 0

It would be useful to be able to upload documents against a particular mortgage.


Change names to make easier to match

James Kingerlee 2 years ago 0

In Account Manager, Bank Accounts,

Please could you make it easier to quickly know what the total figures relate to  and which tab they go with.

If 'Statement Balance'  could read Bank Statement Balance that would, help, then just switch the tabs order so they follow the figures below. At the moment they are the wrong way around.



Better integration of tenant repairs straight into Landlord Vision,

Helen Paintin 2 years ago 0

The tenant reporting it via Aikidesk, to which we receive an email that we can't click on directly.  Also the task isn't automatically set up to instruct a repair.  - unless I am missing something?


Entering Tenant Rental Payments without an Agent Statement

Anoop Dovedi 2 years ago 0

Hi Everyone,

I would like to know how people are using Landlord Vision if agents are a bit slow in sending their statements. In an ideal world agents would send them on time but that's not always the case with some. How can I use Landlord Vision effectively to keep track of arrears if I can't enter the Tenants rental payment from an agent statement and it was a verbal confirmation that they paid.

Thanks in Advance.


Aged Receivable to Exclude Voided Invoices

Tracey Dieu 2 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 2 years ago 1

Could you put in an option where the aged receivable report ignores the voided invoices. Currently, my aged debtors report is distorted as it includes the voided invoices and is reporting that that I am owed a lot more than I should. 


SA109 For non-resident landlord (individual) for MTD.

Julie_Mackenzie 2 years ago 0

Please can we have this for individual, non resident landlords.

the current software only provides SA105 for businesses at flat  19% tax rate.


property license

Ravi Madhavan 2 years ago 0

Lots of boroughs require licensing against rental properties can you have a compliance section to track this in the property?