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Reports > Cash Flow "Payee" Field Blank

Jason English 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

When viewing Cash Flow in the reports section the "Payee" field is only populated if there is a "Contact Name" however if you only deal with "Organisation" this field if left blank. For example my Landlord Vision subscription is blank.

Suggestion is... IF "Organisation" is populated THEN display "Organisation" in "Payee" filed, IF ELSE then display "Contact Name".

This suggestion would mean that if both are populated then Organisation would take priority. There maybe other places where is occurs.

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Invoices paid by agent from rent can be allocated to specific supplier

David Boyce 2 years ago 0

To be able to track spend with a specific supplier would like the option then when receiving rent via an agent, if they have added an invoice that they paid I would like the option of selecting the Supplier instead of it being booked against the Agent so I can clearly see who did the work against the property. 

It also allow me to compare pricing between suppliers for similar work such as Gas Certification, one supplier may charge £78 whilst another will charge £60. 


putting properties into alphabetcial order - can this be done already?

Edward McCourt 2 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 2 years ago 1

Is there any way that i can put my properties into alphabetical order? I havent managed to find out how on the knowledge base. Can anyone help?


mortgage loans

Daniel OSullivan 2 years ago 0

Allow a Notes field for Mortgage.  This could be used ERC's for example.


Transferring documents between portfolios

Charlotte Black 2 years ago 0

When a property transfers between portfolios, the documents should be able to be be transferred. Only way to manage this is to download or email the links. Could the ‘select a folder’ drop down contain a drop down to other portfolios in the same account? 


Please provide option to attach file in journal also

Madhu 2 years ago 0

Ability to choose a Default Portfolio. Also hide/active/inactive portfolio.

Elliot Isaacs 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

Rather than alphabetical sorting, it would be good to be able to order the portfolios, and/or select a default portfolio that always opens first. It would also be great if a legacy portfolio can be made 'inactive' like an expense account so that it hides from the list. A button for show/hide inactive portfolios would then be needed.


Associate financial rules with a contact

Liebel Schlesinger 2 years ago 0

Allow default settings associated with a specific contact, so transactions with that contact are automatically categorised.