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Under review

User Trail

Reardon Properties 7 years ago updated by Kerkennah Properties 3 years ago 4 2 duplicates

It would be good to see reports of users, and see what user added which rent, or journal entry, task etc. 


Transfer properties between portfolios

Hayley Baldwin 2 years ago updated by Jack Riggall 2 years ago 1

It would be really useful to be able to transfer properties to a different portfolio. We have several properties, some are owned in our personal name and the other in a limited company name. We are going to be selling the personally owned properties to the ltd company for tax reasons so would be good to transfer them on here. Either as of 'x' date (i.e completion date) or 'all history'.



Copy of Journals

Tracy Morgan 4 years ago updated by Debby O'Keeffe 3 years ago 3

Please can we have the facility to copy a journal, rather than inputting the details again


Ability to search for a property within all portfolios

Lisa Matthew 5 years ago 0

We have several portfolios and over 200 properties so it would be good if we could just search for the property if we were unsure of the portfolio it belonged to as otherwise it takes a while.


FIXFLO - Maintenance management similar to FixFlo within LV

Thomas Costello 6 years ago updated by Hamish Pound 2 years ago 3 4 duplicates

Comprehensive maintenance management module within LV, we don't really want to pay extra for FixFlo if LV can provide a similar module!


Ownership by property instead by portofolio

Joseph Chocron 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 5 years ago 7

This is major for people using your service.

Ownership should be setu by property and not by potofolio.

for example i have a house devided to 3 flats, each flat belong to someone else, on 1st flat their is 2 owners.

i must have them all in same porofolio as some expensses belong to all flats.

we have only one bank account where tenants pay the rent.

the tax raport will never give us the correct numbers with today configuration .

if you will change your platform, to be able to setup the ownership for each property this will help so much !!!



Waqar Ahmed 7 years ago updated by James Batchelor 3 years ago 1

Currently on Landlord Vision when you have to record a payment received from a tenant you have to:

  1. allocate a payment received from the tenant
  2. add an expense from the agent (if you have one)
  3. allocate the payment from agent to landlord

I think this should all be done on one screen as the software knows how much commission is to be paid to the agent so you should only have to allocate the net figure received in your bank and the software should open up a screen populating items 1,2,3 above. You should be able to add additional income or expense lines on the same screen and when everything matches up save it.

This is much easier than going through 3/4 screens to allocate one payment received in the bank.

What does everyone else think?


Add documents to welcome page

Cheryl & Mark Wiltshire 7 years ago updated by Jason English 2 years ago 3 1 duplicate

Would be great to allow us to select from the property documents to include in the tenant welcome page.

e.g. safety certificates, Property Rules (for sub let properties etc) Guides to appliances etc.

If when we upload document to property we have a check box to determine if this is included in the welcome page.

Under review

Bulk Upload for Expenses

Allison Jenkins 7 years ago updated by Marilyn Price 6 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Allow upload from a standard template file for multiple expenses - this would be really useful when starting to use the software to allow loading of old data from existing systems.