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GDPR compliance - remove/anonymise tenant personal data after end of tenancy

Steve Folly 6 years ago updated by Richard Hurd 5 years ago 1

With new GDPR rules about deleting personal data after it's no longer required, can you add a facility to anonymise tenancy data after a period of time after the end of a tenancy. Six years is the statutory period, we add another year just in case there are proceedings, etc. in progress.

I understand that you can't just delete a tenant and tenancy, but if the data inside the records could be anonymised, that will help with GDPR compliance.


Ref: HMO's- Add an AST agreement for HMO tenants to legal documents

Michelle Hooker 7 years ago updated by Jack Riggall 10 months ago 3

A bespoke AST agreement under the Legal Document section would allow HMO landlords to quickly produce and issue AST's to their HMO tenants.


Currently having to delete old safety checks

Hayley Baldwin 2 years ago updated by Shirley Mason 2 years ago 5

Currently when you add a safety certificate (i.e a gas cert) you have to delete the old one for the due alert to go away. It seems counterintuitive to have to delete the old ones. It would be better if I could add in "Gas Cert 2021" with expiry date of 2022 which would override the due date for "Gas Cert 2020". I'd like to be able to see a history of the certificates completed in LV rather than having to log into another system to see older certs. 


Right to rent support

David Rose 5 years ago updated by GU1 Property Limited 8 months ago 4

At the moment to correctly record right to rent info I have to
1. Log the details of the tenants ID under identification
2. Upload a copy of the scans of their ID to Documents
3. Record the expiry/recheck date in the Calendar.

So three process, all of which are unlinked, so I'm relying on my brain to remember that these three things are all linked together. Seeing how R2R is such an integral part of any tenancy (and carries such a horrendous penalty if wrong)  I'd like to see a specific section, where I can, in one action, record what the ID is and that it conforms to R2R rules (so may be more than one document), upload those documents and attach them to the R2R object. Record whether the R2R has an expiry date (i.e if the tenants permission to rent in the UK has a time limit) and if it does, schedule a recheck in either a year or when the permission to rent in the UK expires.


Attach multiple documents to an expense

Steve Folly 6 years ago updated by Ebony Benfield 3 years ago 1

I can only attach one document to an expense.  When I do trips to my investment area, I typically have multiple receipts and expenses to add.  So this means creating individual expense items per receipt.  Ideally, I'd like to add multiple line items to one expense, and attach multiple receipt documents (one per line item).


VAT recording

Naomi Fellerman 6 years ago updated by Fiona Burns Brannan 3 years ago 1

We have several portfolios that we need to submit VAT returns for and need to record the VAT on purchases and rents for commercial properties.


council tax band

Michelle PEARL 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 1

It would be useful to be able to enter the Council Tax Band under the Property Details.


User Role - Read Only

Kailash Daswani 6 years ago updated by Imran Shaikh 5 years ago 4


A good feature would be to allow users, such as other directors, partners, family members, including auditors two produce accounts so that they have access to all areas, but on read only basis.  



Allow multiple guarantors to be added to a tenancy instead of only one

Jason Payne 7 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 1

Currently, tenancies only allow one guarantor to be specified.  However, a tenancy can have multiple guarantors, especially if more than one tenant requires one.

The feature should be upgraded to allow for multiple guarantors in much the same way that a tenancy can have multiple tenants.


Add repeating expenses easier

Gulnaz Iqbal 7 years ago 0

It would be great if you could add repeating expenses while in the reconciliation window. I also note that after entering a repeating expense there is an option to 'add another expense' but this takes you to the one time only expense instead of repeating.