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Car parking Space

Louise Jones 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 1

Have a field showing the allocated car parking space no.  To be included in welcome pack


early warning certificate

Matthew Peace 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 1

I got a system email on the actual day my gas safety certificate expired for one of my properties, It would be much more useful if the email was sent in line with the early warning days set on the system e.g. 7-10 days in advance of the actual expiration to allow time to book an engineer to carry out the safety check 


Bank Reconciliation

Steven & Nia Jones 6 years ago 0

When reconciling a bank account add a 'Create Payment on Account' Option in addition to the 'Find a match manually , create expense or leave a note' options for when utilities take monthly payments where the is no matching invoice/expense


Share bank account with multiple portofolios

Joseph Chocron 6 years ago 0 1 duplicate

I have multiplie portofolios and they all use same bank account.

I also sometime need to pay an invoice and not enought founds in the portofolio accout, so i'm paying from a diffrent account but can't register it correctly.


Menu / Button options

Kailash Daswani 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 2


This is more about practical and ease of use rather than added feature.  For example, in tenancies agreement, you have to scroll down to edit the tenancy, same applies to when you have to save.  If there is a frozen menu at top this in our view makes this more practical.  You could apply this throughout the software modules in unison, so that one would not have to scroll up/down to action accordingly.



Notes section for payments

Nick Jones 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 4 years ago 1

Ability to record information about the payment or give further information about the payment


Ability to print or save jounal entries to excel

Ian Henning 6 years ago 0

Add bank account details to invoice.

Fiona Cooke 7 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 4 years ago 2

Have a facility to add the bank account details to invoices or the accompanying letter when emailing's wonderful that we can now email rent invoices to our tenants but frustrating when we then have to email the bank details separately so they can pay.

Note ...we need to be able to set this up by portfolio as we have different bank accounts for each the moment there is only one template for the accompanying letter which is applied to all portfolios.