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batch data entry for invoices, receipts & payments


ability to enter invoices, receipts & payments in bulk regardless of supplier or property rather than having to add expense then make payment one by one 


Ability to quickly see what stage an E-Document is once is hs been submitted for signing

Michelle PEARL 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 1

Once I have added an E-Documet in LV and sent it to several parties, it is not easy to check what stage it is at and who yet to sign it. When I used Signable before it was intergareted to LV they had a page that listed a summary of all the documents that had been sent and detailed which had been signed or still waiting to be signed. Tghis would be useful as some peopel do need a reminder as they don't always sign straight away and may need a reminder.

Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago

Hello Michelle,

You can track the status of an e-document similarly to Signable - please log into Landlord Vision and go to Document Manager -> E-signatures. Please see the column 'Parties' - it shows who has signed the e-document, who is next to sign the e-document (status is 'Sent') and who are still to receive the e-document (status is 'Waiting').

Kind Regards,


Separate payment schedule for deposit/bond payments

John Cooper 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 1

As some of our tenants paying deposits in installments it would be easier to monitor how much has been already paid with having access to payment schedule which would show a breakdown of recent bond payments. 


To be able to translate invoice text to other language

Property Booking 6 years ago 0

Would be nice to have a possibility to translate invoice text to other language. For example we are small company in Latvia, and we have around 10 tenancies, we would like to manage through your software. However we are unable to send your invoices to our tenants, since they are in English only. Therefore it would be nice if we could create header / footer texts in our language. 


shortcuts or favourites toolbar

Christine King 6 years ago 0

Ability to EMAIL tasks sheet to save PRINTing it or EXPORTing it and Saving it to EMAIL it

Kim 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 5 years ago 1

Would make it a lot easier (reduce time) if had this function.  So could email tasks to different contractors for instance.


Deposit transfer to renewed tenancies

Debbie Richards 6 years ago 0

To be able to transfer deposit to a new tenancy when it is renewed, otherwise you have to add payment when no addition monies have been received or not record a deposit


Ability to inport expenses into Landlord Vision from a CSV template.

Jo James 6 years ago 0

Ability to inport expenses into Landlord Vision from a CSV template.


Incorporate RLA tenancy agreement for RLA Members

Shirley Mason 6 years ago updated by Emmeline Jarvis (1) 6 years ago 1

Is it possible to add the RLA tenancy agreement as an option for RLA members on the legal documents so the system will autoprint off that agreement rather than the standard AST agreement