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Statement of Account

Steve & Lisa Rigby 5 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 5 years ago 2

To be able to print the above using Tenant or property address as when you use tenant only it does not show Tenant/LHA together on one sheet you have to do them separately 


Financial Year End Prepayments and Accruals

Richard Hurd 5 years ago 0

At our financial year end (5th April), we have to manually calculate the prepayments and accruals for each tenancy. Can LV do this automatically - it knows the dates and what has been paid for each tenancy rental period - so it should be a simple calculation for the computer to do? Thanks


Incorporate : Model Tenancy Agreement for Scotland

Julie_Mackenzie 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Please can the software be updated in line with government std leases


Better maintenance options and also allow ability to contact professionals like mybuilder or plentific

Ravit Markus 5 years ago 0

Create better maintenance options either by enhancing what you have or allowing the integration of wonderful software for maintenance like mybuilder, Plentific... 

Allow contacting professionals and allowing professionals directly to bid on a project.


Landlord training record

David 5 years ago 0

Folder Control

Charlotte 5 years ago 0

To allow administrators to be able to restrict access to sensitive folders 


On reports there should be a total row

Adam Watson 5 years ago 0

Add a total row to each report, e.g. vacancy - a total would show lost rent. etc


Email documents as PDFs rather than as links

Selena 5 years ago 0

I have uploaded tenancy documents. When asked to email them for re-mortgaging, it would not attach them as a PDF. It just attached a link. I need the ability to attach them as PDFs for when I need to send documents to people


Under 18's/Permitted occupiers should be listed on AST

Have a section which integrates with RLA section 4  which details all under 18s and other named/permitted occupants who are not listed tenants



Louise Knight 5 years ago 0

Would be really great if I could pull a report that tells me which tenants are in credit rather than having to go through all the individual accounts.