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Weekly payments option for Mortgages

Dinesh Halai 1 year ago updated 3 weeks ago 1

Please add weekly payments option for Mortgages


directors loan interest

Stephen McLean 1 year ago 0

I Have a directors loan journal set up in landlord vision with a significant negative balance attached. This is in a limited company.

Is there any easy way I can set up a regular process at adds interest to this account? what's the best way of recording the interest & possible the expense to the company. My main gripe on doing this on year end as one calculation is the funds have been introduced over a period of time therefore I couldn't add 12 months interest on the balance at the end of the year.


Assign guarantor/ next of kin into the Create Tenancy flow

Phoebe Fay Read 1 year ago 0


When I create a new tenancy, I usually add the new tenant to 'contacts' within the +add contact, I then copy and paste over the tenant info form I have had them complete. 

It would be great if within +add contact, I could assign and creat a next of kin contact, guarantor etc then I can add all the provided form information in one go.


Allow sorting of tenancies by room and tenant please

Asad Rizvi 1 year ago updated by Maria Jose Cabrera 1 year ago 1

A search feature on the reconcile part of the bank statement

Jill Forester 1 year ago updated by Asad Rizvi 1 year ago 1

Having to page through many transactions on the reconcile part of the bank statement is time consuming. I'd like to be able to scroll through it faster


Add ability to reconcile bank transactions quickly

Syed Naqvi 1 year ago 0

Still a novice to using Landlord Vision so it is possible I am using it wrong. 

Reconciling bank statements(or any other action e.g adding expenses, recording mortgage) requires too many clicks this means simple tasks take a long time.

I would want a quick way of reconciling banks statements. I would want the page to be intelligent so that if a transaction with a "Bank Reference"  has been reconcilled if another transaction with the same reference appears in the bank statement, I would want a suggestion to log the expense the same as previous transaction.


Is it possible to have the option when you split an expense to also have the option to choose item cost or capital cost for each split line?

Matthew Peace 1 year ago 0

as currently when you are inputting an item expense and split it and choose capital cost as one of the split options, the capital expense doesn't show in its respective capital gains report  


Add 'Boat travel' to list of expense items

Jason Payne 2 years ago 0

When adding a travel expense, there is air, bus, car, and train travel, but no boat travel.

Boat travel is a valid mode of transport for landlords travelling between mainland Europe and the UK, or between parts of the British Isles, to visit their properties.

With the absence of boat travel or a generic travel option, boat travel has to be incorrectly categorised as one of the other travel options. Therefore, one of the following should be done:

  1. Add 'Boat travel' as an option.
  2. Add 'Generic travel' or 'General travel expense' as an option.
  3. Consolidate all travel options into a single 'Travel', 'Generic travel', or 'General travel expense' option.

The last option might be better as the mode of transport isn't important from an administrative or accounting perspective.