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Ability to delete sent emails plus greater email functionality.

Richard Gaston 4 years ago updated by Elliot Isaacs 2 years ago 5

Dear Technical team

Currently it is not possible to delete a sent email. This causes/will cause a great number of emails to be stuck in the sent folder. It would seem appropriate to be able to manage and sort [delete] sent emails, and file them in folders if desired. Additionally it would be useful to see how much space on the server they occupy. Adding at least a delete function would enable the user to clear server space and allow for the spring clean of old and redundant emails to be removed from the system. 

Ideally if the software could integrate an email client, we could then have a single point of reference for all property and lettings based emails. All within the software, instead of sending from one application and replying from another which creates a break in the flow of communication, emails could be sent & received straight into the client. Communication with the customer is at the heart of any business so to have a powerful tool to facilitate this would be a superb and essential addition which I am sure would be appreciated by many.

Perhaps a simple way to bring the communication thread over to our existing email clients would be to email the original message with recipient info over to the user. (So effectively sending out 2 emails, one to the recipient and one to the sender with the ability to turn this off in settings if not needed/desired)

Kind regards,



import statement of accounts from agent to pre-populate

Michael Dimitriadis 4 years ago updated by James Batchelor 3 years ago 1

Pre-populate Agent Statement by importing pdf of Statement of Accounts sent by agent


adding expense defaults to portfolio cost

Paul Cousins 4 years ago 0

when I add an expense many of my expenses are portfolio costs - but I have to select this each time

I would like the default option to be portfolio cost and if I want to select an individual property I can easily do this as before

doing this cannot mean any extra clicks and can only reduce clicks when adding an expense - I cannot see any real disadvantage in doing this


Calendar - More Customisation

Chris Williams 5 years ago updated by Helen Kaymer 4 years ago 1

Whilst the calendar feature is useful, greater customisation and personalisation would improve it. For instance, saving your preferences so when you log to LV the calendar is automatically set to show certain events/properties. Furthermore, it would be good to be able to select multiple types of events instead of one or all of them.


Split bills between different properties.

Keith Rodgerson 5 years ago 0

I get a bill from my cleaner but it is for two properties whose expenses I need to separate. 


Mortgage end of fixed rate date

Angela Spence 5 years ago 0

It would be really useful to have a date field for the end of a fixed interest rate term. Also would need to be able to produce a report listing end dates for all mortgages fixed rate terms.  At the moment I still have to keep a spreadsheet as well.


Calendar option of rent review

Alice Heath 5 years ago 0 1 duplicate

An option to log when the date of rent review is, and a log of previous increases.


Dynamic Dashboard

Youssef Gamgoum 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

I would like the Portfolio Dashboard Panes to be Dynamic so they only appear when there is an action I need to take.

Needing me to notice of a (1) to show up then relying on me to collapse it causes me to miss some things 


Printable deposit summary

Anna Connell 5 years ago 0

Is it possible to have a printable deposit summary that can be given/emailed to tenant at the end of their tenancy? Something that would show details of the deposit paid, deductions for arrears and dilapidations, and balance refunded. 

Deposit summary example


Deposit payment split down by tenant

Matthew Peace 6 years ago updated by Pradnya 2 years ago 1

Hi, I have multiple tenants on one tenancy agreement (student HMO) all contributing their equal share of one total security deposit. Presently Landlord Vision only allows me to record payment(s) of this deposit from/against the lead / first named tenant only. Could it be changed to give me the option of recording individual deposit payments against each tenant for the tenancy (just like I can with rental payments) totalling up to the total deposit owed for the tenancy?