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Email notifications stating expired tenancy agreement

Toby Ashfield 6 years ago 0

In the email currently we get notified to say that the certificates are expiring, however, once they have expired, it would be useful to also have this pop up on the email reminder.


Add document to property valuation

Joanne Barnett 6 years ago 0

It should be possible to attach/link a document to a property valuation rather than just in the property documents section


Option to 'create similar' property or tenancy

Joanne Barnett 6 years ago 0

When creating a property or tenancy it would be useful to be able to use one of the existing ones as a template and be able to change just some of the information. This would be useful when you own a block of apartments which all have the same address, and similar spec.


Specialist Field on Suppliers

Toby Ashfield 6 years ago 0

When adding a Contact Supplier, for example Joe Bloggs the Gas Engineer, it would be very helpful to have a 'field' box somewhere, so when looking at contacts you can see that Joe Bloggs is a Gas man, rather than what I am currently doing which is entering his name as 'Joe Bloggs - Gas' 


Create Custom Reports

Waqar Ahmed 6 years ago updated by Daniel OSullivan 2 years ago 3 2 duplicates

Ability to create custom reports and export in PDF or Excel format.


Ability to view all overdue certificates, insurances from all portfolios

Selena Drake 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 3 years ago 2

If you manage multiple portfolios, you have to go into each portfolio to view overdue or upcoming certificates, insurances etc. It would be much better if you could view all of these from one screen.


Add "Meter Reads" tab for properties as well as tenancy for HMO use!

Lettings Administrator 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 8

Under "Tenancies" you can select a tenancy at a selected property and add the relevant electric or gas meter read associated with the tenant at that particular property.

Why is there not a similar section in the "Properties" which would not only be useful for whole property rentals or in a HMO where there is one gas meter and one electric meter for multiple tenancies. As the feature is already in the system I am confident this should be a very easy & simple patch/addition.



Address details for maintenance tasks

Stephen Young 6 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 5 years ago 4

When creating a task, no property details are shown on a job sheet although added to that property.

Have to manually input address in the comment section for workmen to see where the task is allocated


Link Letting Agents to Properties

Waqar Ahmed 7 years ago 0

Certain local Letting Agents look after particular properties. I would be useful to be able to link properties with agents and not all agents deal with all the properties.

  1. It would also be useful if we could email all the linked agents in one go to let them know when a property was coming onto the market.
  2. have check boxes so you know which ones you have instructed
  3. once let send once email to informed all instructed agents that the property is now let

To be able to adjust the automatic generation of rental invoices

Tracey Dieu 7 years ago updated by Joshua Brown 3 years ago 2

Please could you add an additional feature where you can adjust where the automatic creation of rental invoices are posted against. At the moment the invoices are posted against Rental Income on the Profit and Loss, but I want the ability to be able to determine which account for the invoices to be posted again should it not be against Rental Income. Currently, I have to go back in and manually amend the posting, after selecting the creation of automatic invoice.

Many thanks