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Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Michael Robins 7 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 2

In property description you have smoke Alarms but not Carbon Monoxide Alarms 

Under review

Easier bank transfers

Daryl Pickthall 7 years ago updated by Michelle PEARL 1 year ago 5

Ability to create bank transfers from the reconciliation screen. A matching transaction would be found on the opposing bank statement.


Easy way to set end date on tenancy retrospectively

Carl Blundell 7 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 6 years ago 2

If you don't update the system regularly and need to go back and end a tenacy that has been rolling on for some months, it can be quite tricky as all the payments for invoices get lost.

Would be be possible to have a 'Tenancy Ended On...' wizard that marks the end of the tenancy date and deletes all unpaid invoices after that date, but leaves other invoices intact?


Archive facility of Closed tenancies/tenants/Guarantors including enmass deletion at appropriate time - data protection etc.

Ian D D-Wilson 7 years ago updated by Mr Stuart Shepherd 2 years ago 1

Operating a small portfolio of 6 properties with a total of 33 rooms, let out to full-time students, the address/tenant file is becoming over populated with tenants/Guarantors, who have left due to the fact that they usually are 3rd year students and leave. Therefore could a field be created that moves these leavers out of the address book and tenant/tenancies to Archive for deletion enmass at a later stage in compliance with the Data Protection Act as details are being held within electronic system.

To ensure of movement to archive the system should allow for multiple selection at a time rather than individually.


A Journal Section for the properties section

Shirley Mason 7 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 5 years ago 1

The same sort of journal for the properties as there is for the tenants so users can record entries  without uploading a document.


Archive sold/unused properties

Laura Game 7 years ago updated by Ebony Benfield 3 years ago 1

Once property sold or no longer used by company, be able to archive. All details should be accessable but through an archive rather than sitting on main portfolio.


Option to change the monthly mortgage payment DATE

Nadezda Bochkareva 7 years ago 0

As it is now the only way to change the date the mortgage payment is due is to close the existing loan and open the new one, which is a hassle.


Bank feed - add number of days left until need to re-connect the feed

Diverse Lets 5 months ago 0

It would be helpful to see how many days are left before the 90-day limit for the open banking feed runs out. 

A little forewarning that the feed is running out of time would let us extend the connection for 90 days before it runs out.

A short text, to say something like '15 days left', could be added next to the little icon of a bank that indicates 'bank feed enabled'? This would be fine for it to simply count down from 90 days.

It is quite annoying when you come to do a reconciliation, only to find the feed has run out while you were away. Getting the feed re-connected takes a little time and effort, e.g. to assemble the necessary security devices, cards, etc. Being able to see the count-down would let us re-set the connection when it would be convenient.

When you're wanting to send out a tenant invoice in a hurry, it's inconvenient to have to go through the re-connection process. For example, when you want to send out a rent invoice with an earlier holding deposit payment subtracted, so the tenant can pay the remainder, so they can move in the same day. 


white goods report

Jenny Struthers 12 months ago updated by Sally Francis 9 months ago 1

In order to find which property has dangerous white goods when a safety recall is issued by the manufacturer.  I register all the white goods with the manufacturers but there is no option on any of their website to add which address the white good is at, so when the manufacturer issues a safety recall I have to go through each of the 50 properties individually to identify where the dangerous white good is.  Would be much easier if I could extract the white goods to a report in one go and identify which property/ies have the unsafe appliances.



Dinesh Halai 1 year ago 0

Can we have reports showing comparisons with previous years?

Namely P&L and Balance sheet.