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Add a note for arrears chasing

Jason Abbott 3 years ago updated by GU1 Property Limited 3 years ago 1

It would be useful to be able to add a note next to a late payment or a rental charge so a record can be made of response when chasing rent


Generic Document Manager For All Portfolios (for eg Govt 'How To Rent' Checklist)

Susan Murcutt 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 7

A generic Document Manager that is common to/can be accessed by ALL portfolios and via ALL tenants on the Tenant Module - regardless of the portfolio they are in - to store:

UK Government 'How To Rent' Checklist

and any other generic documents that a landlord might give a tenant, eg. a guide to electrical safety, guide to gas safety, etc

At the moment, if one want a tenant to access the 'How To Rent' Checklist, one has to create it for every portfolio individually...


Add setting to select formula used for rent adjustment when ending tenancy mid-month

Jason Payne 3 years ago 0

Currently, the formula used to calculate the default rent adjustment when ending a tenancy mid-month is:

  • ((monthly rent x 12) / 365) x days in the pro rata period

This assumes an average of 30.417 days per month, and that a tenant is happy with a partial month's rent being calculated pro rata with respect to a year. It also doesn't account for leap years.

Therefore, I propose that an additional option is selectable in the settings that uses this formula:

  • days in the pro rata period / days in the current month x monthly rent

So, for example, if a tenancy ends 8 days into the rental month, and the current month is March, then it would be 8/31 x monthly rent.


tenant dashboard customisation

James Batchelor 3 years ago 0

I would like to give my tenants access to certain details but not all.  I use a letting agent so do not want then to see some modules like the helpdesk tickets and finances as this is all taken care of by the LA.  I do however want them to see the property details and certificates.  Can you make it so only certain modules are visible to the tenant please.


Add heat alarm to property facilities

Richard Zambrano 3 years ago 0

properties use smoke and heat alarms. it would be good differentiate.


TIDE Bank integration

hing fung wong 3 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 3 years ago 3

Dear Sir/Madam,

   Please could you integrate with TIDE bank. I am surprised that not more landlords have requested this . TIDE is great for relatively low number of transactions as the fees are ultra competitive.





Sarah Cleaver 3 years ago 0

Would be good to be able to put Job Title in Contacts!


Dashboards to show more data/graphs

Youssef Gamgoum 3 years ago updated by Kaushik Gaglani 2 years ago 3

I would like dashbords to show more graphs from the data within Landlord Vision. Things like:

  • Portoflio LTV
  • Portfolio growth
  • Portfolio ROI

What would be really good is if you show the amount spent on a property (to purchase and ongoing costs), the amount received from rent/remortgage and show the difference.

I've given Lendlord a go and although I would not leave LandlordVision I really liked the way they showed they're data and insights which inspired me to make these suggestions


add expense, make the default value 'portfolio cost'

Paul Cousins 3 years ago 0

When you add an expense it would save  time if the default value for property was 'portfolio cost' and you only had to change it if you wanted to choose a specific property. At the moment I have to change this field every time I add an expense but many of my expenses are portfolio costs so it would save a lot of time. I can't see much of a downside as you have to select an individual property anyway at the moment so it wouldn't add any extra clicks if you want to select a particular property.