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Safety certificates section should allow notes

Matthew Baker 3 years ago 0

Some of my properties don't have gas or other certificates. I'd like a way to add notes that tell me there is no gas or whatever. At present if I don't add a certificate in it looks like I've forgotten to do it.

I've just had an instance where I instructed my gas certificate engineer to do a boiler check only to find it just has electricity. I assumed I had forgotten to do the certificate. Never assume - it makes an ass out of u and me.


Subscription should show how many active tenancies are currently in use

Matthew Baker 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

My 6 month NLA free trial is coming to an end. The message says to please upgrade. Upgrades are based on the number of active tenancies. It would be nice for the Subscription/Upgrade page to show how many active tenancies I have currently in use as now I need to go into each of my portfolios and manually count how many I have.

If I put in too fewer value then I don't know what will happen to my tenancies (will it delete them?) and if I put in too larger value I'm wasting money.


Expiring/Expired Certificates still showing when a new certificate with the same name/type is added

Matthew Baker 3 years ago 0


When you select your portfolio the dashboard lists expiring certificates.

If you have 2 certificates for the same property as follows:

Property 1, EICR, Expires 01/01/1706

Property 1, EICR, Expires 01/01/2999

Then currently you have a warning displaying that the EICR is expiring (which is wrong anyway in that it should say expired) as it doesn't take into account your new certificate.


When Landlord Vision checks for an expired certificate it should group the certificates based on the property and the certificate name/type. Each of those certificate groups should be ordered by expiration date. The most recent expiration date is the one that should be used. So, in this example no warning of an expiring certificate should be displayed as 01/01/2999 is the current expiration date.

Work around

At present the only way to stop the display of an expiring certificate is to delete the old one which means you lose the history.


end of tenancy

Richard Zambrano 3 years ago 0

Include end of tenancy related documents/templates


Word .doc invoices

Jane Shaw 3 years ago 0

Able to upload word .doc invoices into the expenses.


Ability to Ignore Personal Transactions

Adil Pastakia 3 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 3 years ago 1

The bank Account I use for my Buy to Let is not wholly exclusive for that purposes. I would say about 95% translation are for by to let but there are some non related expenditure that arises. To deal with this I have to create two journals and log the transactions to two different accounts to account for credit and debts.

When looking at unreconciled transactions, could we not have an additional option to ignore the transaction which will automatically create the journal entries and earmark the transactions as "personal transaction".

So the option would be "Find another match manually, create income, leave a note or ignore transaction"




Ability to copy transactions

Sam Snelson 4 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 2 years ago 3

Letting Agent fees based on invoiced rent not rental income received

Syed Naqvi 4 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 3 years ago 2

Is it possible for letting agent fees to be configured such that they are based on Rental Invoices as opposed to the rental received? Whether a tenant pays less than an invoice should not affect the fixed amount due to a Letting Agent. Looking for a quick fix. 


When uploading a document it should allow you to share document with all members on the tenancy

Pritesh Parmar 4 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 3 years ago 2

Specifically applies to HMO's when uploading an EPC for example when assigning to a tenancy it should allow you to share the document to all parties


House Alarm Codes Report

David Green 4 years ago 0

I would appreciate a report which gives all the alarm codes for the properties.  This could be combined with the Key tracking report.
