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Tasks - Show Completion Time

Chris Williams 5 years ago 0

It would be useful to be able to see how long a task/tasks took to complete. Maybe give an average time for all tasks as well.


Edit an incorrectly entered bill payment easily without having to navigate dustbins etc.

Keith Rodgerson 5 years ago updated by Debby O'Keeffe 2 years ago 1

Edit an incorrectly entered bill payment easily without having to navigate dustbins etc.


Simplification for a "cash" landlord!

Keith Rodgerson 5 years ago 0

Dear Landlord vision.  I am fairly intelligent and have used Quicken/ Quickbooks, ibank/ banktivity and spreadsheets for keeping accounts over the past 30 years but I have to say that I've found Landlord vision very counter intuitive for keeping simple rental accounts.  Although your support is excellent and helpful,  what I really need is a programme into which I can enter rents (when received) and expenses (when paid) with an autofill function for company and tenant names.   Can I suggest two tabs that would make this work without tying my brain in knots.    One is for rents received ..The other is for expenses paid. These should lead directly to the page to enter them into.   You also need a simple way to enter the opening account balance for the start of using the programme and the start of each financial year. It would also help if there was a search box on the home page. With digital tax coming, many more landlords with a simple portfolio will need a SIMPLE TO OPERATE programme but I'm afraid that landlord vision isn't the one ....yet!   Or perhaps it's only me!! 


View open upcoming tasks on dashboard

Daniel Ruttle 5 years ago updated by Landlord Vision Admin 2 years ago 2

Hi, Whilst it's helpful to some degree to show have overdue tasks on the dashboard, I feel it would be more beneficial and allow us to work proactively if we could see upcoming tasks for the month (or be able to choose a date range). See what was due after the fact puts us in a reactive state. It would also be beneficial to be able to see closed tasks or filter tasks by property/tenancy etc. It is quite a chore to have to go into each property individually to see what tasks there mat be outstanding or/and what has been completed. We need them all in one place to be more user friendly


Rental Income Payments report filtered by payment type (Bank or Cash)

William Tibble 5 years ago 0

It would be useful to show rental income by bank or cash payment


Messaging groups of tenants at the same time.

Keith Rodgerson 5 years ago 0

Messaging groups of tenants at the same time is essential with a property with 9 tenants. 


Cash Basis Profit and Loss

Ian Henning 5 years ago 0

Our accounts for the inland Revenue are done  on  a cash accounting basis meaning that the profit andloss report generated by landlord vision has to be ajusted. An option to produce a cash basis profit and loss would save allot of time. I suspect that most small landlords work on cash accounting.


Tenant History Report: show all tenants named on the tenancy not only the first tenant named on tenancy

Diverse Lets 5 years ago 0

At present the Tenant History Report shows only the first tenant named on the tenancy, the secondary tenants are not shown. I would find it useful (and technically more accurate) to report all of the tenants named on the tenancy. Or could it be added as an option to list all tenants or list only 1 tenant per tenancy? 


Scottish tax bands - 2018, 2019, 2020

Julie_Mackenzie 5 years ago updated by Anthony Craven 4 years ago 1