Your comments

Hello George

Thank you for request

This is to let you know that we have now added the ability to view tasks from the Home screen for all portfolios

Kind regards


Hello Tracy

We are reviewing some of the user requests.  Can you confirm if you mean the accounting journals in Account Manager or the tenant and property journals in Tenant / Property Manager

Kind regards


Hello Matthew,

We've corrected the typo.

Kind Regards,


Hello Matthew

We are going to change this.  However, please note that this forum is for adding new features, not for issues or bugs.  Please direct these to the helpdesk

Kind regards



Further to the launch of the receipt scanning features, we have been increasing the options for uploading your receipts to the software.  It is now possible to upload your receipts via a dedicated Dropbox folder which you can save your pictures to once you've photographed or scanned your receipt.  Pictures uploaded to this folder will be automatically added to the processing queue and will be available when you log in.  We will be adding more cloud storage apps in the coming weeks

Also, you can set up an email address and send your receipts to that, or get your suppliers to send send their receipts to it


Hello Peter

Thank you for your suggestion

This feature already exists, please see the following Knowledge Base article for details on how to set your tenancies up with an LHA paying some or all of the rent in arrears

Kind regards
